The benefits of yoga therapy include flexibility, strengthening the body (muscle tone, building a stable body), proper and full breathing, lowering tension, good blood flow, improving concentration, improving posture, preventing back pain (and even improving the existing condition as disc herniation) Skeletal system, and stability and more. Apart from the fact that yoga improves the body’s abilities, we also work on conscious breathing, muscle relaxation, and awareness of reducing stress and relaxation.
In the case of accident, there is frustration and fear that the pain will return or remain forever. Through yoga therapy exercises, the practitioner receives tools for personal empowerment and confidence building in the body and its abilities. The various positions have physical, but also mental, benefits. For example: the position of the ‘warrior stand’ in which the practitioner imagines himself as a combatant facing a thing that threatens him. The body stands strong, the breathing is calm and the person stands firm against the challenge. It is a deep and continuous process of building and restoring a person’s trust in his body and abilities. This process yields fruit.
We adapt personal yoga practice to each person according to their needs.
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