Yoga for ADD & ADHD

Yoga for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is a unique yoga practice that a person learns and practices in order to improve his condition and quality of life. The adjusted practice increases concentration, attention and control of thoughts. The effect of therapeutic yoga is cumulative, that is, the more people use it, the faster the effect of exercise, the more time it takes, and the more awareness and attention. The goals of yoga therapy for attention and concentration are: 1.  להמשך קריאה >>

Yoga Therapy for Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)

With yoga therapy, it is possible to relieve almost any possible symptom, including symptoms associated with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). Yoga itself offers innumerable physical and mental healing techniques from which these choices are suitable for the person who specifically addresses them. The relationship between stress and anxiety, mental stress and regular gastrointestinal activity is known in medical studies. The combination of yoga and medication is very helpful in reducing symptoms,  להמשך קריאה >>

Yoga for Special Needs

Everyone can practice yoga, even people on wheelchairs  this is  because yoga practice begins with cognition. Yoga exercises are based on what a person can perform, and from there begins the growth and deepening of the practice. Thus, yoga is open to all, to all those who wish to enjoy its fruits. The personal practice given to people with physical disabilities in walking and standing include: Breathing exercises on a chair and lying down - these exercises are the most profound for each  להמשך קריאה >>

Yoga for Old Age

Practicing yoga at an older age contributes greatly to physical and mental strength. Yoga strengthens the body, restores injuries, improves balance and balance, and more. We at the Center for Yoga Therapy specialize in adapting yoga practice to each person according to his / her health and mental state. The practice we teach is not painful, it is easy to perform and is a crucial factor in improving the adult's quality of life. Improving Movement, Balance and Stability - In old age, it is  להמשך קריאה >>

Yoga Therapy for Menopause Symptoms

The menopause period is a period of change. Menopause occurs in physiological and mental changes seeking response. Many women appeal to us to start over, to deal with physical problems that bother them and to make decisions about the direction of their lives. Yoga therapy reduce menopause symptoms such as hot flashes and sweats, headaches, back pain, difficulties in concentration, etc., and emotional and mental issues that accompany this period. Yoga Therapy is a comprehensive treatment  להמשך קריאה >>

Yoga Therapy for Insomnia

Yoga therapy is the simplest natural way to improve your sleep, fall asleep easily, and enjoy a more relaxed and healthy life. Without drugs or substances, using simple exercises performed at home and your sleep quality will improve greatly. If you are taking medication for sleep or sedation you should know that: Your body gets used to sleeping pills and their effect decreases. Over time, you will find yourself taking larger amounts that are less effective. These substances are addictive!  להמשך קריאה >>

Yoga for Pregnancy and After Birth

Pregnancy is a period of change. During yoga practice, yoga's unique way allow you to recognize and integrate these changes into strength and relaxation. Practicing yoga in pregnancy relieves back pain, arthritis, shortness of breath, heartburn, and many other symptoms that accompany the woman in these important months. The practice should be adapted to pregnancy and prepare the woman for childbirth. It is important that the practice includes a deep understanding of breathing and the  להמשך קריאה >>

Treat Anxiety with Yoga Therapy

Yoga's contribution to reducing and stopping significant panic attacks is extremely significant. This is our experience as yoga therapists and practitioners of yoga and meditation. This article describes the ways in which yoga therapy is useful in these situations. Symptoms of panic attacks Throughout our lives we all experience fear at one time or another. But what happens when this fear goes out of control and begins to affect our functioning and quality of life? Symptoms of anxiety and  להמשך קריאה >>

Yoga therapy for Orthopedic Problems

Yoga therapy is a tool for self-rehabilitation from orthopedic problems, chronic pain, and movement and function difficulties. Yoga is used to prevent future orthopedic problems, as well as to treat existing problems caused by accidents or misuse of the body. Yoga teaches us proper posture and proper behavior with our body. The benefits of yoga therapy include flexibility, strengthening the body (muscle tone, building a stable body), proper and full breathing, lowering tension, good blood  להמשך קריאה >>
yoga therapy – ADHD – Anxiety – stress – panic – pregnancy – Insomnia – Menopause – anti aging – ibs – ADD